Mahatma Jyotiba Phule Market,

As one enters Mahatma Jyotiba Phule Market, popularity known as Crawford Market, it’s evident that the Christmas season has arrived in Mumbai. The market, one of the oldest in the country, wears a busy look with decorative bells, colourful lights, cutlery, lamps, candy bars and pine trees of different sizes. With a range of imported chocolates, fruits, vegetables, dry fruit and more, it’s also a foodie’s paradise. If only it was a little cleaner.

The scores of shops that line the narrow pathways of the historic structure in which the market is located are spotlessly clean. But the area surrounding them is full of filth. The drainage facilities are poor and so is the lighting. All-out restoration is the only way to preserve the 141 year-old market, say the shop owners. A senior official of the Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation ( BMC), which is responsible for the administration of the market, says the redevelopment plan is being taken up on priority and would be finalised in the next few months.

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But the shopkeepers are sceptical. “Time and again, we have been hearing about BMC’s renewed interest in this project,” says Md. Karim, the owner of a 250-year-old cutlery store. “We, too, would want some relief from the leaky building which becomes impossible to operate in during monsoon.” Jadhav Bhau, a wholesale fruit seller, adds, “Every monsoon, I face huge losses. Forget re-development, let them repair the leaky roofs first.”

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