Personal Details of Parth Singh Saini
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Parth Singh Saini
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Engineering Graduate from CTAE
Commonwealth Games- Eyes Wide Shut Guest Article by Parth Singh Saini Before starting my article, I would like to ask you one Question. What does strike in your mind first when you hear the words “Commonwealth Games” Well, the most common answers would be: corruption, unprepared buildings, and filthy apartments etc. But I want to know that why can’t we think of the things like Delhi Metro, Airport Terminal 3, World Class stadiums and so on… After 28 years, we are going to get an opportunity to host a multi-sports event. All the stadiums are of International Quality, Delhi Metro has been made a reality, Indira Gandhi International Airport (IGIA) was conferred the fourth best airport award in the world, Apartments and Transportation are rich and superior in quality, all the participating players are adoring our food which is healthy and nutritious as well, in a nutshell we can say our guests are happy and delighted by our preparations. So instead of standing proud on our CWG preparations, why are we so much discouraged, misguided and adulterated about the Commonwealth Games. Is the media actually pouring anti-CWG toxic into our blood, or there is something really wrong in our perception for our country. Well, the reasons for wrong publicity of CWG were: Media: Before the Independence of our country, media played a vital role in encouraging mass to stand for their freedom. At that time, media was the heart of India, pumping positivity and hope into our blood. But if you want to know what media is doing now a day, just switch on to any news channel. The new Saree of an actress would be the breaking news or a homicide in which 2 died would be the news. Little good news like massive plantation by someone, an honest officer, would struggle to find a minute on the same channel. cwg-indoor Any normal Indian won’t get boosted or will even feel good after watching this news. And our coming generation would see that only murders, extortion, robberies and corruptions are what going around. Despite the fact that there are still good people in this country, who are sacrificing a lot. CWG were also de-publicized by our media. They showed only “two tiles” and “a bridge” all the time that felt down. Though there were lots of other things that could have been covered. Well, accidents happen, that’s why it was a matter of consideration, but really not a matter of publicity. Because in all these blame games, glitter of “Indian Pride and Preparations” was lost. Fortunately, internet played the role of pacemaker for CWG. After watching the real pictures of CWG venues, many people were praising it in their tweets and updates. But it was constrained to few because Internet is still not a famous means of communication in India. And still, no electronic media did the effort to pull back the image of games. Corruption: Another factor that contributed a lot to slander the image of CWG was corruption. Well, I would like to give an analogy to
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